It's been a year! : The Red Tavern

It's been a year!

by Bee Askin on 01/11/12

I can't believe it has been a year since my last blog.  Well last January I went to the dentist and th needle with the novacane hit a nerve and for 3 months I was in agony.  I learned that this kind of accident usually resolves itself, and it did.  Then after that I started having painful gallbladder attacks. Surgery was scheduled for December 7th. and that was that.  So now I am hoping for a healthy 2012.  Note, lost 10 pounds because of nonfat diet!

Well since last year we finally worked on the kitchen.  The stove died and we got a new electric that is amazing, then a new ice box, in stainless steel.   Sooooo, Dean painted the kitchen cabinets white.  This year we hope to get a new kitchen counter as well.  I believe it is okay in a 300 year old house to have the best kitchen!

Last October 30th, we had a freak snow storm, 15 inches of heavey snow fell very quickly and many trees were downed.  Electricity was lost for a week for most of us.  Earlier in September we had Hurricane Irene and most people lost electricity for a week as well, but we lucked out and didn't.  Losing power for a week with cold autumn air, we burnt the rest of the wood and couldn't find anyone with wood to sell.  This is one way to learn how tough life was in the days before coal furnaces and electricity!  Literally sat a lot in front of the fireplace, and wished that there were more fireplaces still left in this old tavern.  Food was a huge issue, as we don't have any of the old utensils to cook with in the fireplace.  Need to work on that for the future.  So we hope this year will health bring lots of new blogs of interest! 

Bee Askin

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